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Hvala Bassta!Pex-u alias Gramofoniju Pločanoviću na odličnom blogu i ovom sjajnom postu!
utorak, 18. rujna 2007.
nedjelja, 16. rujna 2007.
JESUS NEVER SUBMIT - "Ginseng EP" - kaseta

Ovo DIY kućno kasetno izdanje objavljeno u tiražu od svega desetak komada došlo je do mene čudnim putovima… prijatelj čiji je prijatelj (i moj poznanik) bio jedan od članova ovog ad-hoc sastava. Legenda kaže da su se sredinom osamdesetih momci sastali u stanu jednog od njih i pod utjecajem alkohola te inih perolakih opijata odlučili sami uglazbiti stihove pokojnog pjevača Joy Divisiona Iana Curtisa, inspirirani zbirkom njegovih tekstova koju su pronašli na polici s knjigama. Rečeno – učinjeno! Još iste večeri su se vratili na “mjesto zločina” oboružani instrumentima koje su na brzinu mogli pronaći ili posuditi te su svoje krajnje rudimentarno sviračko umijeće svojski upregli u skladanje materijala. Očito je da je ta noć bila na inspirativnom vrhuncu, pa su “Jesus Never Submit “u komadu” na običan kasetofon snimili višesatni session iz kojeg su najuspjelije izvedbe uvrštene na “Ginseng” kasetu. Umjesto klasičnog bubnjara, JNS su iskoristili prastaru LP ploču na kojoj su bili snimljeni ritmovi za vježbanje udaraljki. Nakon ove avanture, niti jedan od njih se (koliko mi je poznato) nije ozbiljnije bavio glazbom, niti svirao u drugim bandovima, tako da ovaj urnebes ostaje sjajan dokument i testament ovog neobičnog “jednodnevnog” sastava. Ipak, riječ je o vrlo zanimljivom materijalu koji se oslanja na alter pop s kraja osamdesetih, a poslljednje dvije sakladbe su istinski Lo-Fi pop biseri.

"SAT Stoicizmo was a trio of Croatian futurist composers active between 1981 and 1987, the liner notes of this challenging CD explains. Mah 2 was recorded in 1984-5, and is an exceedingly complex work based on four of the core concepts of futurism: simultaneity, acceleration, power and machinery. Furthermore, the four compositions on Mah 2 -- which was originally intended as a double-LP with each piece closing in endless exit grooves -- were arranged according to morse-code patterns. The result is a deeply fascinating work that really only comes to its right, if listened to with complete attention and concentration. Due to the minutely detailed quality of SAT Stoicizmo's music, the accompanying text advises the listener to listen at high volume. It is also recommended to play the CD both through speakers and headphones at the same time, in order to achieve a heightened simultanistic listening experience. The legitimacy of these instructions is immediately apparent when playing the CD; the music is both deeply layered and strikingly dynamic. "9:36:57 po Srednjeevropskom" (which translates into "9:36:57 Central European Time") opens with wailing air raid sirens, and it is a sound that is familiar by the end of the CD, as it serves as a consistent motif throughout most of Mah 2, and especially on this first track. Fifteen minutes long, "9:36:57 po Srednjeevropskom" is a kaleidoscopic aural collage, the details of which are interrupted at times by the aforementioned sirens. The piece moves through sequential patterns of dynamic acoustic percussions, montages of radio tunings, racing piano arrangements, harsh streaming electronics, and so on. Perhaps, if all of these segments between the sirens were placed all on top of each other -- with the sirens as reference points -- and played simultaneously, the piece would be a composite sonic photograph of Central Europe at 9:36:57. The second piece "Avionom" ("By Airplane") begins with a segment of intensely cut-up recordings of an airplane breaking through the sound barrier. The musical and rhythmic qualities of this explosive sound are explored and deconstructed to the point where the source sound becomes a continuous, pulsating, strobe-like tone. Eventually, the piece breaks into an extended drum sequence, still with the distant echoes of jet engines audible in the background. True to the theme of power, which is the conceptual foundation for "Nehaj" ("Levity"), this piece features extensive use of extremely harsh and noisy electronics and percussion. A long passage of recitations in Croatian run through the first half of the track, at first disassociated from the flow of the music, but later spoken faster and faster, and in rhythmic spurts that complement the over-all forward-rushing quality of the piece. "Nehaj" is again bookended by the disconcerting screams of sirens, and is the most dynamic and "structured" track on the album. The final, and longest piece -- "Futur Egzakni" ("Future Two") -- opens and closes with subtle passages of humming machine ambiance. Subdued, metallic clanking fades in supported by soaring tones as of wheels spinning, and other aural signatures of the industrial age. The treated groans of a herd of cattle (waiting for the rotating blades at the butcher plant?) become audible, and is succeeded by a tinkling loop as of millions of shards of shattered glass; armies of camera flashes go off in unison, and the rhythmical workings as of a giant clock briefly enter and exit this restless catalogue of sounds depicting a sterile, machinated, compartmentalized modern society. Mah 2 along with the rest of SAT Stoicizmo's body of work has been unavailable for more than a decade. Now, the German label Artware has re-released Mah 2 in both a limited double-vinyl edition (500 copies) and on CD (likewise in 500 copies)."
SAT STOICIZMO - "Jačati tijelo sportom" - 12" EP

Za ovaj eksperimentalni sastav nisam nikad čuo do prije nekoliko dana. Iako su iz Hrvatske! Evo nekoliko osnovnih biografskih natuknica koje sam uspio iskopati na netu:
"The Croatian trio 'SAT Stoicizmo' was founded in late 1981 and - after recording their main works in the period from 1982 to 1985 (including one personal change in late 1982} - split up in 1987. Both geographically and mentally remote from the centers of the music scene and practically nonexistent in public even in their Slavonian native country, they developed a unique style of futuristic music - too noisy and structurally complex for rock & pop, too 'musical for pure industrial, too rhythmical and physically offensive for modern classical music (musique concréte) but also too 'handmade' as compared to the later techno. The group itself regarded its both radical and extremely diversified approach as an attempt to combine the achievements of punk-rock-music with the classical concept of futuristic bruitism created by Luigi Russolo in 1913. "
EP "Jačati tijelo sportom" je snimljen 1987, objavljen 1995 za njemački "Artware" u tiražu od 400 kopija, a zanimljivo je da jedina kompozicija zauzima samo jednu stranu vinila. Druga strana nije narezana! Glazba? Uh, ne bih se upuštao u špekulacije, ali u jedno sam siguran: sumnjam da ste nešto ovako avangardno očekivali čuti početkom osamdesetih u mirnoj Slavonskoj ravnici. Opskurno i izuzetno zanimljivo!
"The Croatian trio 'SAT Stoicizmo' was founded in late 1981 and - after recording their main works in the period from 1982 to 1985 (including one personal change in late 1982} - split up in 1987. Both geographically and mentally remote from the centers of the music scene and practically nonexistent in public even in their Slavonian native country, they developed a unique style of futuristic music - too noisy and structurally complex for rock & pop, too 'musical for pure industrial, too rhythmical and physically offensive for modern classical music (musique concréte) but also too 'handmade' as compared to the later techno. The group itself regarded its both radical and extremely diversified approach as an attempt to combine the achievements of punk-rock-music with the classical concept of futuristic bruitism created by Luigi Russolo in 1913. "
EP "Jačati tijelo sportom" je snimljen 1987, objavljen 1995 za njemački "Artware" u tiražu od 400 kopija, a zanimljivo je da jedina kompozicija zauzima samo jednu stranu vinila. Druga strana nije narezana! Glazba? Uh, ne bih se upuštao u špekulacije, ali u jedno sam siguran: sumnjam da ste nešto ovako avangardno očekivali čuti početkom osamdesetih u mirnoj Slavonskoj ravnici. Opskurno i izuzetno zanimljivo!
utorak, 11. rujna 2007.
Nastavljamo gdje smo stali...
Uh, poveeeelika pauza od poslijednjeg javljanja! Ipak, SAMO SLUŠAJ nastavlja dalje. Hvala svima na podršci i strpljenju tijekom ovog podužeg perioda neaktivnosti, nastojat ću se odužiti kvalitetnom glazbom na kakvu ste (nadam se) navikli na ovom malom blogu. Novi materijali su uvelike u pripremi... vežite se - uskoro nastavljamo gdje smo stali!
nedjelja, 22. travnja 2007.
REGOČ - "Just So" - LP

preuzeto s
Ovaj odličan riječki HC/noise sastav je prestao s radom ubrzo nakon objavljivanja nastupnog albuma “Just So”. Ne znam jesu li članovi benda još uvijek aktivni ni gdje sada sviraju. Ono što znam jest da me Regoč podsjeća na “Nomeansno”. A i na “Rapeman”. Dakle, bučno i žestoko. Meni dovoljno! U paketu s albumom “Just So” je i bonus pjesma “Blimp” koja je objavljena na kompilaciji “The Best Of Indie Rock – Made In Croatia”.
subota, 14. travnja 2007.
STIDLJIVA LJUBIČICA - "Volim te" - 7" singl

preuzeto s
Ovaj pop/ska/reggae singlić objavljen 1981. za "Jugoton" je jednostavno neodoljiv. Kad bi barem današnji pop bandovi zvučali ovako šarmantno, poletno i inteligentno... ahhhh, ta nostalgija...
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